Saturday, December 29, 2007

Fort Worth enforcing the "money making laws."

Funny how it appears that the laws that are most enforced are only those that bring money to the City; what about all of the Class C Misdemeanors committed by "indigent" individuals? Why do they get off scott free? Why isn't the enhancement arm of those laws enforced? This is discriminatory to those of us who have pocket change or more! When you really think about it, it's against the constitution to protect people (a segment of society) from the law. That is exactly what the City of Fort Worth is doing and perhaps the State of Texas. Why does claiming indigency protect one from the law? It doesn't make sense. The only sense I can make of it is that the City doesn't want to "invest" in the rehabilitation of people who claim (and may be) indigency. It cost too much, it's too complicated, and "it's too much of a liability" for the City of Fort Worth to deal with it. You always hear people say, "We can't arrest our way out of indigency (homelessness)." Why doesn't the City of Fort Worth use that same reasoning with people who drive above the speed limit (speeding tickets) and/or drunk drivers? Have we arrested/ticketed our way out of speeding drivers or drunk drivers? NO! Why protect the indigent (homeless) segment of our society from the laws? The law is the law. If you litter, you are breaking a law. If you panhandle at one of the 30 or so "protected intersections" of Fort Worth, you are breaking a law. If you are cruel to your dog, you are breaking a law. If you don't vaccinate your dog, you are breaking a law. If you don't feed your dog, you are breaking the law. If you are publically intoxicated, you are breaking a law. If you sell beer/alcohol to a habitual drunkard, you are breaking the law. If you are drinking beer within 1000 feet of a homeless shelter, you are breaking the law. If you criminally trespass, you are breaking the law. If you urinate in public, you are breaking the law. Why aren't any of these laws and the enhancement thereof enforced in the City of Fort Worth? Who's in control of this? The Mayor? The District Attorney? The City Council? The City Attorney's office? Oh yhea, and what about the attitude of at least ONE OF OUR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS of "well, if we enforce the laws on the homeless then we are harrassing them and "criminalizing homelessness"! PUH-LEEZE!! Give me a break!! "WE" are being discriminated against, harrassed and criminalized because "we" have some pocket change to pay our tickets!! That's wrong and unlawful! The homeless (indigent) are protected from laws and we tax paying citizens are not. That's unconstitutional!

read more digg story

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