Saturday, January 31, 2009
Once again, The Ft. Worth Police Department Fails (at the Taxpayer's expense)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Why would you hang out all day & night at a Convenience Store?
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Thursday, January 29, 2009
Labels: district politics, E. Lancaster, East Ft. Worth, homelessness, indigency, neighborhood politics, state politics
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Another City Council District 8 - East Lancaster/East Ft. Worth/West Meadowbrook Neighborhood Crime
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Labels: district politics, E. Lancaster, East Ft. Worth, FWPD, neighborhood politics
When we allow Crime Activity to continue...this is what the neighborhood looks like

Sunday, January 25, 2009
I love this CD...."Katsuk - 'Out In The Wind" (two dots go over the "u")
Posted by
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
How do Ft. Worth City Council members know that FWPD is "Best in the Nation?"
It's so comical to see the City politicians talking the political talk and pandering to the Fort Worth Police Department during Pre-Council meetings. Some say that "FWPD is the best in the Nation," what formula are they using to arrive at that conclusion? Does Ft. Worth have the least crime per capita? I think not. My opponent, Kathleen Hicks, says that the FWPD are doing such a great job because they show up and Neighborhood Association meetings? (see pre-council meeting Jan. 13th 2009) Give me a break! The FWPD are the finest because they show up at Neighborhood Association meetings? Really?
Elect me to office and your tax dollars will go further....I'll handle the talk and updates for the citizens at the Neighborhood Association meetings and the FWPD can remain on the streets where they belong. (Well, I'll request one officer be at the meeting for protection of the citizens, especially the elderly, who have to get out after dark to attend the meeting.)
If my District had the highest crime rate of all Districts in the City, I can promise you, I would not be praising the Police Department because they show up at a meeting. I would say the less meetings the better, and the more neighborhood streets they could be driving or walking down, the better!
To my personal knowledge, I believe that the FWPD is a City Department that has the same Corporate America politics as any firm in downtown Ft. Worth. I believe that the FWPD is like any other workplace, everyone must be held accountable or there will be slackers that get away with, well....slacking. It seems to be "human nature." Hence, the reasons for "bosses."
I remember talking to an officer about the police department raises. As usual, it's across the board raises -- everyone gets about the same 3 - 4% raise. So, my point is, police work is a "job," why should one work extra hard if it isn't going to make a difference in her/his pay? Another area in City Government that I will advocate for change! The good hard working officers get better raises and the slackers get no raise.
To make a long story short, help elect me to office, and City Council District 8 will not be #1 in total crime for the City of Ft. Worth, our neighborhoods will become more safe, cleaner and prosperous. I can promise you that we won't be tearing down Historic Houses in District 8 because the crime is so bad that we can't save them.
We need change in leadership in District 8! Help elect me to City Council. I have a clear vision, a record of success, willingness to be real with ALL of the people in District 8 and work hard for the betterment of the District.
(Funny, everything I mention on this blog, my opponent grabs hold of and runs with it -- that's what I call "coaching for free" on my part. It's good for the people in District 8, but it's deplorable that we don't have a City Council rep that can come up with creative ways and find solutions on her own.)
Posted by
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Labels: corporate america, district politics, FWPD, SuzetteforCouncil campaign, tax dollar spending
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Animal Control hasn't been an Issue for my Opponent...(until now).
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Thursday, January 22, 2009
Labels: district politics, dog abuse, East Ft. Worth, irresponsible parenting, non profit business, SuzetteforCouncil campaign, tax dollar spending
Friday, January 16, 2009
It's official...Council District 8 Highest in Total Crime for past 3 years
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Friday, January 16, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Lauren Whitener - what a voice and love of the stage
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Another drug deal gone bad involving a shooting in Council District 8 East Ft. Worth
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Labels: district politics, East Ft. Worth, FWPD, homelessness, indigency, jail/prison reform, Near East Side Urban Village, non profit business, SuzetteforCouncil campaign
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Thank you Senator Jim Webb for speaking up for the need of Prison Reform
"Drug addicts and the mentally ill take up cells that would be better used for violent criminals. And politicians have failed to address this costly problem for fear of being labeled "soft on crime." Senator Jim Webb
I wonder if our local reps have the courage and/or wisdom to address such. Reforming jail & prison systems -- such a needed task! Such a failed system on which the politicians waste so many billions of our tax dollars. So many lives lost due to the negligence and courage-lessness of our politicians. Such was the case for Mr. J.B. Rai who lost his life in East Ft. Worth's neighborhood of West Meadowbrook (Council District 8) to a violent killer who had served 10 years in prison and been arrested recently for violent Misdemeanor crimes but only held in jail for 2 months and released back to the streets of Ft. Worth. Why? Because we don't have any true leaders in government who give enough of a damn and are willing to truly advocate for real change we can believe in, in Ft. Worth and the State of Texas regarding prison & jail reform.
Another reason to vote for me for District 8 City Council seat in Ft. Worth. District 8. The District has carried the most crime in the City of Ft. Worth for at least the past 3 years while my opponent has sat in office and done nothing about it.
Come to my $20 Rahr Brewery fundraiser on Wednesday, Feb. 18th and find out how I will lower crime in this District and what my plans are for the betterment of City Council District 8. Something my opponent hasn't been able to do in the three years she's been in office.
Ft. Worth fund involved in Madoff Scheme
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Saturday, January 10, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
East Ft. Worth suspected Killer had past Criminal History
Tarrant County court records and Fort Worth police reports show Coulter had two misdemeanor convictions in 2008 for assault with bodily injury – one involving a 61-year-old male victim and the other a 52-year-old female family member. In both cases, Coulter was sentenced to 60 days in jail."
Posted by
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Labels: E. Lancaster, East Ft. Worth, FWPD, indigency, irresponsible parenting, local politics, non profit business, personal convictions, state politics, SuzetteforCouncil campaign
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Murder in West Meadowbrook Neighborhood Today

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Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Labels: district politics, East Ft. Worth, FWPD, neighborhood politics, SuzetteforCouncil campaign
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Your Property is Infringing upon my Rights
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Thursday, January 01, 2009
Labels: dog abuse, irresponsible parenting, SuzetteforCouncil campaign