Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Artists needed for "World's Largest Joint"

From :

Saturday, October 25th 2008. With your help, along with a group of artists, we are hoping to produce a major art and media event called "A Celebration of Freedom." We plan to construct a sculpture titled,"America's Largest Joint" on the plaza along with a Marijuana-inspired mural. All of the mainstream and art-centric media will be invited and there will be live Internet coverage. NORML Foundation will provide entertainment,information about marijuana prohibition and convene a preview press party.We are anticipating a lot of media attention, and a large audience both onFreedom Plaza, and on the Internet. This will be followed by a private exhibition and silent auction of related works of art in a nearby venue. NORML is concerned that the important policy issue of Congress adopting alternatives to marijuana prohibition may not receive enough media attention in the run-up to this historic presidential election and therefore are hoping to accomplish this before November 4th. The purpose of this social justice activism production in downtown Washington, DC is to focus attention on the issue of reforming marijuana laws. In order to ensure a successful venture, we must get commitments from potential sponsors and volunteers by the first week in August.If you would like to be one of the exhibited artists on display or wouldlike more information on being a sponsor, please contact

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