Saturday, March 22, 2008

East Fort Worth

It is so different from West, Downtown, South, Southeast, Southwest, Fort Worth. We have almost NO restaurants, NO safe bars, alot of Class C Misdemeanor offenses committed, alot of trash..... literally. What is up with East Fort Worth? Why don't we have places where we can spend money? Is it just me? Right now (City Cable Channel) there is a guy speaking to City Council from Mt. Herman Baptist Church about not having alcohol sales in zip 76105. The alcohol Sales in these "down" parts of our neighborhoods, is really a detriment to our neighorhoods. Alcohol/Liquor Sales in our neighborhoods aren't a good thing. I think Councilmember Kathleen Hicks has come up with a number of 90 beer stores in a 2 mile radius!! And there is mention of the infant mortality rate being as high as 3rd world countries in certain zip codes of East Ft. Worth. OK.....what is this saying????

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