Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Stray Dogs here, stray dogs there, stray dogs everywhere in East Ft. Worth

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Labels: dog abuse, East Ft. Worth, non profit business
And the Winner is.....
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Labels: district politics, East Ft. Worth, tax dollar spending, water main breaks
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Neighborhood Politics Getting in the Way of Progress in East Ft. Worth, District 8
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Thursday, October 23, 2008
Labels: corruption in politics, East Ft. Worth, neighborhood politics
The Drug War on our future...our Youth, especially Urban Youth
Most importantly, the criminal laws are far more likely to result in having our children arrested and placed behind bars than they are likely to in any way discourage them to try pot.
These are the facts, and it’s about time we start shouting them from the rooftops.
For three decades now, our opponents have framed this issue from the standpoint that they care more about the health and safety our young people more than we do — that we’re just a bunch of self-centered pot-heads that are willing to sacrifice the lives of our young people so that we can catch a buzz. Well, it’s time for us to respond.
Yes, we do favor changing the marijuana laws. We care about protecting the health and safety of our children too. And by changing the laws, we are protecting the health and safety of America’s young people. After all, under prohibition it’s America’s young people that are being lied to; it’s our children that are being approached by drug dealers; it’s our children that are smoking pot in cars and putting their lives and others at risk to try and avoid the detection of their parents or the law; and it’s our children that are being busted in unprecedented numbers.
Finally, let me close with one final reason why we as a community must begin acknowledging this reality and that is this. Even though young people suffer the most under our current marijuana laws, they lack the financial means and political capital to effectively influence politicians to challenge them. Young people also lack the money to adequately fund the drug law reform movement at a level necessary to adequately represent and protect their interests.
In short, if we ever want the marijuana laws to change, that we as a community have to better represent the interests of young people, and we must do a better job speaking on their — and their parent’s — behalf.
We must also do a better job allying with organizations that speak on behalf of youth, particularly urban youth — who are most at risk of suffering from the lifetime hardships associated with a marijuana conviction. We must do a better job reaching out, engaging, and recruiting students to continue to take this issue seriously after they graduate college — and that includes offering them internships and employment once they’ve received their degrees. Finally, reformers must do a better job reaching out to the parents of young people, and urging them to become active members and financial contributors of the cannabis law reform movement.
They say it’s the so-called “parents movement” that derailed the “pot-progress” of the 1970s. Well then I say that it’s high time we recruited our own “NORML Parents” movement to finish the job once and for all."
Posted by
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Labels: FWISD, homelessness, indigency, marijuana laws
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
So what happens to parents when they don't act responsibly and their 2 yr child is found wandering the streets?
Are they held accountable to ANY degree? Is there an excuse for this behavior? Furthermore, what are the chances of this little girl growing up to be independent, self-sufficient, educated, no teenage pregnancies, no drug addiction, high degree of self worth and esteem? Who will pay? The child and the taxpayers, not the parents! Why?
"A 2-year-old girl found Monday night walking in the middle of an Arlington street will remain in foster care for at least two more weeks, a judge ruled Tuesday afternoon.
Despite repeated pleas from Ty'tianna Weatherspoon's parents, LaQuianta Weatherspoon and Maurice Stewart, and a grandfather to return the child, Judge Jean Boyd decided to leave the toddler and the family's other two children -- a 10-year-old boy and 7-year-old girl -- in foster care.
A fourth child, a 13-year-old girl, will be allowed to live with a family member."
Posted by
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Labels: homelessness, indigency, irresponsible parenting
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Meadowbrook Middle School Needs Saving
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Labels: East Ft. Worth, FWISD, irresponsible parenting, national politics
When Government doesn't listen to the people this is what happens
On another note, yesterday at the joint meeting with the Gas Drilling Task Force and City Council, we heard several times, experts tell the members, and members admit, that time is not on their side with cleaning up the environmental damage that they have, and are, allowing the gas drilling operators to do to our air quality. Perhaps if our local government, including Neighborhood Associations, would have listened to the concerned citizens about environmental issues with drilling that were raised years ago, studied the issue like they study other things such as Modern Street cars, our air quality would be much better and we could wholeheartedly believe Mayor Moncrief when he so emphatically says that "Quality of Life has always been a top priority here in this City and will continue to be."
Sunday, October 12, 2008
We Could Revolutionize the World........
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Sunday, October 12, 2008
Labels: Fort Worth in general, neighborhood politics, personal general
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Help the animals, order a specialized license plate
Thanks to Texas drivers’ support of the Animal Friendly Fund, the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) has been able to distribute grant funds for spay/neuter surgeries for 30,241 dogs and cats in Texas. This has potentially prevented the unwanted births of approximately 1 million cats and 500,000 dogs over the next seven years! An additional benefit is that the 30,241 animals have received rabies vaccinations. By the conclusion of the 2008 fiscal year, DSHS will have distributed $1,196,493 in grants toward the low-cost spays and neuters.
If you would like to help reduce pet overpopulation in Texas, click here to order your Animal Friendly license plate.
If you already have an Animal Friendly license plate, thank you for being part of the solution!
Myth: Female dogs and cats should have at least one litter before having them spayed.
Myth: An animal’s behavior changes drastically after surgery.
Myth: Animals become fat and lazy after being spayed or neutered.
Posted by
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Labels: dog abuse, state politics
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Tax dollars still going down the drain in East Ft. Worth
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Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Labels: district politics, East Ft. Worth, local politics, neighborhood politics, personal general, tax dollar spending, water main breaks
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Why Respect Politicians just because they have an office?
Many people in this world believe in "respecting the office" and frown upon those of us that tell it like it is and hold nothing back when it comes to placing the truth in the laps of elected officials who do not do their jobs of "protecting the people" which is the reason for government in the first place! It is absolutely disgusting to me to see the Senate leaders, including both of our Presidential candidates saying that "we as leaders must step up to the plate and ask the taxpayers to pay for our corruption." It is despicable, fraudulent, corrupt and certainly not deserving of any respect whatsoever! People say, well Suzette, you just aren't smart enough to understand all the implications, etc. I say, I am smart enough to know that we elected you to do your job of PROTECTING and speaking up for WHAT IS RIGHT for the people and you have been caught at doing neither! We the people should NOT reward your actions and you get no support from me in asking me to cover your lack of moral judgement in your choices -- no matter how your choices (or lack thereof) affect me and my household or livelihood. I'd rather take my chances with recession/depression than with any of you supporting this crazy bill no matter what kind of "sweeteners" you throw in. And No, I am not responsible for making sure that every person in America owns a home or has health insurance. Exception being, individuals who do not have the physical or mental ability to provide for themselves due to non-self inflicted reasons. I am so sick of politicians robbing the tax payers of more and more money on all levels of government: Federal, State and LOCAL! And so many want to whine and point fingers when we "disrespect" their offices! Give me a break!! They deserve nothing more than disrespect from every single one of us average tax payers! All the more reason we should pay closer attention to our local politics and support their campaigns when we find one that we believe in. If we don't, we leave it to Corporate America to buy our politicians. Hence, Presidential Election 2008!
Posted by
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Labels: corporate america, corruption in politics, district politics, local politics, national politics, personal general, state politics