Sunday, August 31, 2008
Regarding Healthcare - What is more important to you?
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Sunday, August 31, 2008
Labels: national politics, personal general
What means more to you? Change or Accountability
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Sunday, August 31, 2008
Labels: district politics, national politics, neighborhood politics, personal general
Thursday, August 28, 2008
How Ft. Worth & Tarrant County enforce the Criminal Trespass Law
Posted by
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Labels: district politics, FWPD, local politics, personal general, state politics
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I sure miss Ann Richards
Posted by
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Labels: personal general, state politics
Monday, August 25, 2008
Help FWISD students prevail
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Monday, August 25, 2008
Labels: FWISD
Monday, August 18, 2008
County Commissioner RC Brooks blames "the system."
"To me that says that there’s something wrong with the system, not with the kids, that somehow the system is failing to capture their imaginations or to transmit to them the importance of staying in school or even making them feel that there are possibilities for them within the school system," Roy Brooks, County Commissioner.
What about all the parents that the principals can't get involved in their children's education? Whynot put some responsibilty and accountability there instead of blaming the schools? Please don't vote for RC Brooks again. Let's start with addressing the source of issues rather than the end products of such? Can we please dig a little deeper? Can we please go there? I know it's a "sensitive cultural" issue, but please, let's use our brains.
Posted by
Monday, August 18, 2008
Labels: FWISD, irresponsible parenting
City of Ft. Worth's "Housing First" program falls down right out of the shoot
Long story short, Debra was suppose to go to Detox (MHMR) then 28 day residential treatment. The past 3-4 days Debra has shown up at my place of business, walking the streets of E. Lancaster once again, all the while you tax paying citizens of Ft. Worth are footing the bill for her apartment. Today she showed up drunker than cooter brown, with a puppy under her arm, looking like hell and asking me if she had a job. I called Ft. Worth Housing contacts and asked what was going on and why my tax dollars were being wasted. Housing blamed MHMR for releasing Debra from Detox to the streets, etc.
ONE CANNOT GO FROM DETOX TO THE STREETS FOR RECOVERY. HELLO.......IT DOES NOT WORK! The solution: CFW and County Commissioners will have to spend millions of dollars to reform our jailhouse and reform people while they are sitting in jail for their Class C crimes. Women must be separated from men and their (men & women's) emotional health and well being be the focus. Otherwise the City of Ft. Worth's Mayor and all other Council members are wasting your tax dollars. Email them and tell them so. The Indigency Law in Texas is a crock! Get rid of it!! Everyone must pay for their crime!!
Posted by
Monday, August 18, 2008
Labels: homelessness, indigency, tax dollar spending
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Kathleen Hicks complains of the lack of Transparency in Government at City Hall
2. Is it true that the City of Ft. Worth will not allow the GD Task Force meeting this Monday night (8/11/08) to be videotaped and shown on our City cable television channel? If true, what is the reason behind the decision and who made it?
3. Why hasn't all of the information from this past week's joint meeting of Ft. Worth City Council and Gas Drilling Task Force been uploaded to the City's website as promised by the city attorney? When will it be?
4. Have you personally studied and looked at the various State laws and codes regarding the City's authority regarding pipelines and gas drilling or are you relying solely on the City attorneys to inform you?
5. Are you pushing for a moratorium be placed on gas drilling and pipeline decisions until a Master Plan is configured and put in place in the City of Ft. Worth? If not, whynot? If so, what exactly are you doing and how are you planning to influence others who are paid with our taxdollars and who vote on such important matters for the City?
6. Have any District projects been promised to you by Chesapeake? If so, what are they?
7. Has any money been given to you or any of your bank accounts by Chesapeake or any other energy companies doing business in Ft. Worth?
8. Has Chesapeake or any other energy company employee taken and paid for your lunch or dinner? If so, about how many times?
9. Do you believe that money or the promise thereof has influenced any of your decisions involving any part of gas drilling in Ft. Worth?
10. Why do you believe that it is "a great compromise" for a high pressure gas pipeline to be moved from someone's front door step to the street" (as quoted in Star-telegram article on 8/8/2008)
It has always been difficult for me to ask questions of Kathleen Hicks, without her getting extremely defensive and huffy and down right rude. Maybe she thinks she is entitled to public service, for whatever reason, and is not to be questioned or criticized about her job. I hope not, because my belief is that NO ONE is entitled to a free ride or above being questioned or criticized.
People may read this and think, WOW, you have it out for Ms. Hicks. Not really, you could argue whether it's personal or not, but I'm here to tell ya. I'd feel the same no matter who you were if you were in a public serving position and had behaved in the ways that I have seen Ms. Hicks behave and say and do the things I have seen her say and do. Call it what you want to. That's your prerogative.
Posted by
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Labels: district politics, gas drilling, personal general
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Fort Worth is contaminated with Irresponsible Politicians
ZetaFlow and similar chemicals are exempt from many federal and state environmental laws."
At the time, she was suffering from liver, heart and lung failure in Mercy's intensive care unit. "
and gas, there has been no comprehensive
scientific monitoring or exposure assessment for
an industrial activity present in nearly two-thirds
of U.S. states—with more than half a million
locations that could be emitting toxic materials
to workers and nearby residents. The need for
further research is evident.
Some individuals choose not to share their
stories, especially in communities with local
economies dependent on the oil and gas industry."
Posted by
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Labels: Fort Worth in general, gas drilling, local politics, personal general
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Can you tell the truth w/out it being a "smear?" What is a "smear?"
Posted by
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Labels: general politics, personal general
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Ft. Worth's "Great Compromise" in the making
Posted by
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Labels: gas drilling, local politics
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Whynot a Moratorium on Drillling in Ft. Worth?
"The travesty is, is that this whole thing was set into motion by our city leaders without adequate forethought, foresight, planned course of action, or proactive regulation/zoning/etc. Now, after the horses have escaped, the city is working on the barn door."
Posted by: sgmorr
City Leaders: Mike Moncrief, Mayor Pro Tem Kathleen Hicks, Danny Scarth, Salvador Espino, Frank Moss, Carter Burdette, The Great Chuck Silcox, Joel Burns, Jungus Jordan
And then there's this comment:
"This barnett shale project is the best and most important thing to happen in Tarrant County in decades. The production and drilling is bringing hundreds of millions of dollars directly into property owners pockets.If you don't own property, sorry, don't know what to tell you except you are outta luck trying to stop this. The power of us wanting OUR money for OUR property far outweighs the puny little anti-drilling/change movement.Red, yellow, black and white, poor or wealthy, young or old, if you own property you are getting money. One thing everyone has overlooked is there appears to be no racism or discrimination and everyone that owns property is getting money."
Posted by: Oil Landman
I could go on about our City "Leaders" all night, but I won't.....not now. I don't really know what to think other than there is something about Chesapeake that I don't trust and alot of "experts" seem like they are selling me something and I look at our City Council and I'm not impressed, enough of the time, I don't feel confident that they are "in it for us," the middle class and lower, of Fort Worth.
Posted by
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Labels: corruption in politics, gas drilling, local politics, personal general
Pay Attention In Class, Salvador Espino
Posted by
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Labels: district politics, local politics
Friday, August 1, 2008
The War on Young People

Since 1990, more than 11 million Americans have been arrested for violating marijuana laws. Of those arrested, nearly 90 percent are charged with minor possession - not trafficking, cultivation, or sale. Nearly 75 percent of those arrested are under 30 years of age (which makes it difficult for them to find an employer).
According to a nationwide Time Magazine/CNN poll, three out of four Americans believe that adults who possess marijuana should no longer face criminal penalties.
Rep. Frank, along with Reps. William Lacy Clay (D-MO) and Barbara Lee (D-CA), called on lawmakers to support legislation, HR 5843, which would eliminate federal penalties for the possession and non-profit transfer of marijuana by adults. Representatives Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), William Lacy Clay, Barbara Lee, Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Ron Paul (R-TX), and Jim McDermott (D-WA) are co-sponsoring the bill, entitled “the Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults Act of 2008.”
Posted by
Friday, August 01, 2008
Labels: marijuana laws