Below is a letter I sent to the attorney for my employee. It's very disturbing to me that we have violent offenders (killers) walking the streets of E. Lancaster that we can't keep in jail, but we can't get non-violent offenders (who are putting forth great effort to remain clean & lead productive lives) out of jail. I'm for change!
Dear Ms. _____ –
So n so has been a part time employee of mine since December 2008. I have known so-n-so to be a very hard worker with a compassionate heart. I knew when I hired so-n-so that she had a criminal record with drug use. I purposefully hire people with a non-violent criminal history because I believe it is important to give such individuals a chance to work and participate in a productive cause for their life.
My business is in the middle of the homeless shelters in Ft. Worth so I get a bird’s eye view of the product of our system -- people with criminal records not being able to find jobs. It’s something that cost us taxpayers enormously! I am a huge proponent of “helping” non-violent offenders – not enabling them, but actually “helping” them get their lives back together. I am also a huge proponent of early childhood intervention and development of “at-risk” children as I believe that irresponsible parenting is the cause of most of our drug, crime & homeless problems in society.
Please let me know how I can help with so-n-so's case. I have witnessed so-n-so put forth a tremendous effort towards a drug free, responsible, hard working, productive life in the past few months and hope that our justice system will invest in keeping so-n-so clean & productive, especially since she has the desire to participate in, and work for the betterment of such.
Feel free to contact me anytime.
Suzette Watkins
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
A letter of reference to an Attorney on behalf of an employee facing 40 years -- 3 felonies for drug possession
Posted by
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Labels: corruption in politics, FWPD, homelessness, indigency, jail/prison reform, non profit business, personal convictions, state politics, tax dollar spending
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Formal Code of Ethics Complaint filed on Ft. Worth's City Council incumbent, Kathleen Hicks

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Thursday, March 26, 2009
Labels: corruption in politics, district politics, FWPD, local politics, SuzetteforCouncil campaign, tax dollar spending
Friday, March 20, 2009
At local Candidate Forum last night in Ft. Worth
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Friday, March 20, 2009
Labels: local politics, SuzetteforCouncil campaign
Monday, March 16, 2009
More measurements should be done for each City Council District in Ft. Worth
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Monday, March 16, 2009
Labels: district politics, Fort Worth in general, local politics, SuzetteforCouncil campaign
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Homelessness is not a crime, littering is -- can we get some Accountability in Ft. Worth?
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Saturday, March 14, 2009
Labels: Fort Worth in general, homelessness, indigency, irresponsible parenting, jail/prison reform, personal convictions, SuzetteforCouncil campaign
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Ft. Worth's City Council District 8 - Highest crime rate in entire City and has been for last 3 - 4 years.
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Sunday, March 08, 2009
Labels: district politics, East Ft. Worth, FWPD, irresponsible parenting, jail/prison reform, neighborhood politics, SuzetteforCouncil campaign, tax dollar spending
Interesting conversation about Industrial Uses on Cemetary Property in Ft. Worth
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Sunday, March 08, 2009
Labels: corruption in politics, Fort Worth in general, gas drilling, Local Blogsites, local politics, personal convictions
Friday, March 6, 2009
Ft. Worth Mayor Moncrief says, "help me keep the current City Council intact."
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Friday, March 06, 2009
Labels: local politics
Monday, March 2, 2009
Ft. Worth's Council District 8 Sierra Vista Housing Project

Three years ago, the taxpayers provided $3.2 Million dollars for the 232 unit Sierra Vista housing project at Berry & Riverside Drive in Council District 8. Ralph McCloud, City Council Rep for District 8 started the project. The current Councilmember Kathleen Hicks, served as McCloud's aide until June 2005 before she became the elected Rep for the District.
Of the 232 lots, only 80 houses have been built as of today. That's a mere 34% of sales in three years! The fields are empty around the fenced housing project and the project has not "spurred" ANY Economic Development around the area. Mayor Pro Tem Kathleen Hicks says, "Sierra Vista is coming along just fine." I disagree. I believe those $3.2 Million dollars could have remained in the people's pockets and never collected by the Government.
It's always interesting to me when Developers say, "Well, I grew up in Ft. Worth and I want to 'give back' to the community." "Give Back?" One would be "giving back" if they were investing their own money for a project and taking the risks as they will the "profits," as most of us business owners do. One is not giving back when the taxpayers are paying for the risks. That's what I call "taking", not.... "giving back."
In looking at the facts, Michael Mallick, (Vertex Investments) put in $3+ Million for the project; however, he turned around and sold all but 31 of the lots to History Maker Homes. So, in reality, he served as the middle man in the exchange of monies.
Below are some quotes regarding the project from years past:
"Vertex’s planned community, named Sierra Vista, will include the construction of 232 single-family homes, two outdoor strip-mall centers and a large grocery story. " (Hasn't happened.)
"“We are committed to ensuring an abundance of new economic opportunities such as new businesses, grocery stores and more commercial development in the area,” said Kathleen Hicks (Oh really? Where are the new businesses, grocery stores and more commercial development?)
"the project, which will serve as a neighborhood revitalization project." (Where is the revitalization?)
Posted by
Monday, March 02, 2009
Labels: corruption in politics, district politics, local politics, tax dollar spending, Taxpayer Subsidized Development Projects
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Ft. Worth's Mayor Pro Tem, Kathleen Hicks, wants taxpayers to "step up" and make sure Development succeeds
IMO, making sure retail Developments succeed is not the responsibility of the tax payers. It is the responsibility of those who decide to take the risk and invest in the development. They, in turn, will make sure that their investments make sense and are profitable. Forcing the tax payers to socialize the risk is not what is best for the taxpayers. Hence, Sierra Vista Housing Project, Evans Rosedale Development and THER housing project that never got off the ground but thousands of tax dollars are gone and the taxpayers are having to repay right now. Thanks to Nehemiah Davis (President of THER, donor to Hicks Campaign and President of Ft. Worth's NAACP), Ft. Worth City Council members in 2003, 2004 & 2005 including Ralph McCloud (Kathleen Hicks was his Council aide) and others for allowing the thousands of taxpayer dollars to be given away.
Government needs to stick to taking care of basic services and quit playing Mommy & Daddy with the taxpayer's dollars and quit passing them out to their friends and supporters (in the name of helping the poor, of course!).
We the taxpayers have "stepped up" enough and bailed out every Tom, Dick & Harry. I say it's time that we elect someone to Ft. Worth's City Council who understands the value of a taxpayer's dollar and who's campaign IS funded by the people as opposed to Big Business. I say it's time that we elect someone to Ft. Worth's City Council who is not ethically challenged and who truly "cares" about The People, The Neighborhoods and Quality of Life here in Ft. Worth.
(Political Advertisement authorized by Suzette Watkins)
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Sunday, March 01, 2009
Labels: corruption in politics, district politics, local politics, tax dollar spending, Taxpayer Subsidized Development Projects