Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Where is the plastic protective sheet for this toxic dump in Rural America?
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Labels: gas drilling, personal general
This is what happens when City Government is allowed to turn a blind eye

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Labels: corruption in politics, district politics, East Ft. Worth, local politics, neighborhood politics, personal general, tax dollar spending, water main breaks
Monday, September 29, 2008
Surprise surprise...another water main break in Meadowbrook
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Monday, September 29, 2008
Labels: district politics, East Ft. Worth, local politics, neighborhood politics, personal general
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
City Councilman Frank Moss is getting it
OMG I could not believe my eyes when I saw these words:
"City Councilman Frank Moss said Tuesday he wants to make sure the "Pull ’Em Up" campaign reaches parents, not just teenagers and young men.
"We’re going to continue to encourage parental involvement," Moss said in a briefing on the campaign at the City Council meeting Tuesday. "They don’t know it’s hampering their [children’s] opportunities."
Parental involvement, parental involvement, parental involvement, parental involvement! I can't say it enough....parental involvement, parental involvement, parental involvement......
KUDOS to Mr. Frank Moss. This is how you keep dollars in the pockets of the people instead of in the pockets of corrupt politicians, this is how you save people from becoming homeless, this is how you "help" the "other Ft. Worth," this is how you lead, this is how you...., this is how you....., this is how you....., this is how you......
Posted by
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Labels: district politics, homelessness, indigency, irresponsible parenting, local politics, personal general, racism
CORRECTION on number of Water Main Breaks in Ft. Worth
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Labels: district politics, East Ft. Worth, local politics, personal general, tax dollar spending, water main breaks
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Stats from Ft. Worth Animal Control presented by Ft.Worth Public Health Dept.
For year 2007, Impounded Animals by Council District
Council District 2, Sal Espino 3541 (3rd place prize)
Council District 3, Chuck Silcox 2210
Council District 4, Danny Scarth 2265
Council District 5, Frank Moss 4212 (1st place prize)
Council District 6, Jungus Jordan 2317
Council District 7, Carter Burdette 2642
Council District 8, Kathleen Hicks 3670 (2nd place prize)
Council District 9, Joel Burns 3092
#1 Significant Challenge = Pet Over-Population
Potential Dog Population
An unspayed female dog, her mate and all of their puppies and their puppies' puppies, if none are ever neutered or spayed add up to:
1 year: 16
2 year: 128
3 year: 512
4 year: 2,048
5 year: 12,288
6 year: 67,000
Ft. Worth's Spay/Neuter Clinic suppose to be operational by Oct. 1, 2008
Approximately 2% of all impounded animals have registration tags or any form of id
Current Shelter Capacity = 374 - 450 animals
2007 12 month average = 364 animals
Total cost of field response, impound and 3 day stay 2008 - $94.11
Summary of Challenges: increasing demand for service, low City Ordinance Compliance, Shelter overcrowding, operating cost increases
End of stuff from Public Health Dept and beginning of my 2 cents.
Currently Ft. Worth has no adoption center for people to interact with the pets. Currently Ft. Worth Animal Shelter doubles up with dogs in one run. Currently CFW doesn't have sweeps in East Ft. Worth because there isn't enough money to pay staff to conduct sweep. Currently Ft. Worth has a limit of 3 dogs per household. Currently Ft. Worth has no requirements for spay/neuteuring of "family" pets. (a dog kept out in the backyard or tied up in the front yard with no interaction with any living thing but bugs and birds is no family member IMO!)
What is your Council person saying and/or doing about this disturbing trend and problem here in our beloved City of Ft. Worth? What are you doing about it? Please email the above Council members (firstname.lastname@fortworthgov.org) and let them know that you care about the dogs/cats. Plug Animal Control's phone number in your cell phone and call on every single stray, neglected, abused dog that you see 817-392-3737.
Posted by
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Labels: district politics, dog abuse, East Ft. Worth, Fort Worth in general, local politics, neighborhood politics, state politics, tax dollar spending
24 Water Main Breaks and Counting in East Ft. Worth
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Labels: district politics, East Ft. Worth, local politics, neighborhood politics, personal general, tax dollar spending, water main breaks
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Pimping Pitt Bulls in East Ft. Worth
I have sent many emails to the Mayor and City Council members explaining the need for solutions to the dog neglect, abuse, strays roaming the neighborhoods on the Eastside. Months ago the Council did pass a no tethering ordinance and they have passed other dog related ordinances. However, those ordinances were way late in coming and the problems were already out of control due to lack of City government acknowledging they existed. The three top Districts in Ft. Worth for animal control calls are District 5 (Frank Moss), District 8 (Kathleen Hicks) & 2 (Sal Espino). It is my understanding that Sal Espino does now have a Responsible Dog Ownership program in District 2.
The dog problems create tension in the neighborhoods, especially the neighborhoods that have a hearty mix of races, income levels, major cultural differences in upbringing and values, etc. I have heard several residents say they would like to move out of the Eastside strictly because of the dog abuse/neglect that they see & hear on a daily basis. Dog abuse/neglect hits on so many fronts such as cruelty, quality of life for the residents (and the dog), public safety, domestic safety, etc. The other day, Animal Control had to call the FWPD to the scene because the irresponsible dog owners were so angry and probably threatening, like they had been to the neighbors, when Animal Control knocked on their door.
It was interesting to see how much our Council rep, Kathleen Hicks cares about dogs and/or the issue of stray dogs in the District at the Neighborhood picnic this summer. The picnic was at the park and low and behold there was a stray dog hanging around, I brought the stray dog to her attention to show her that all the emails we sent to her about the high number of stray dogs roaming around in her District were in fact true and here was an example. Her reply was "Oh Lord," and she kept walking. She didn't no more care about that stray dog or the issue of such than she cares about gas drilling safety.
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Saturday, September 20, 2008
Labels: dog abuse, East Ft. Worth, irresponsible parenting
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Another water main break in Meadowbrook

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Thursday, September 04, 2008
Labels: district politics, East Ft. Worth, local politics, personal general, tax dollar spending, water main breaks